
put book cover here A Complete Guide to


Daniel Reid




What is Chi?


Breathing and Coughing

I have referred to this book a number of times when considering Chi-Gung and health, but I now want to examine the more philosophical parts. I have no desire to present a complete view of Taoism according to Dan Reid ie I am not looking for this blog to be in any way academic or complete - for complete read the book! I want a place where I can record the aspects of his teachings that I consider important.
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What is Chi?
What is Chi? I have experienced Chi when doing Chi-Gung and Tai Chi, but I have experienced it as energy. But is it more than energy? In terms of the Zandtao model (mind-energy-body), what does Chi mean? Is it just the energy part? With food providing energy for the body and meditation energy for the mind. Does food then produce physical chi? Does meditation produce mental chi?

In meditation I thought "Chi is life".

Energy is needed to work everything cf physics. So therefore energy is needed to work the mind as well as the body.

Is there an energetic body, and what does it mean? I know that energy holds the body in place and that it is not just muscles, is that the energetic body?

For those who know Chi, have felt it, then it seems to be all-powerful. There is much confusion on my part.

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Breathing & Coughing
Breathing is an aspect of energy work that I have been weak on. For this last week I have had a cough from a virus, this cough has been seriously irritating. I woke up today and thought about breathing. I got out "A Complete Guide to Chi Gung" by Dan Reid to remind myself about how I should be breathing:-





and started serious deep breathing. The coughing hasn't completely gone but mostly. I still haven't studied that book even though it is a Book Journey. Shame on me!!

This is the second time recently where illness has knocked me on the head and said to stop being stupid about my health. The first I lost 5kg weight to bring me down to bmi, and here ill health is teaching me how to breathe. Sadly I have not been careful and my weight is back up 4 kg, that means I will have another virus to lose weight. Let's hope I have more sense with the breathing so I don't have a return of the uncomfortable coughing.

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