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Personal Development

Reflections on a war

Maybe my reader will remember that I began the Zandtao blog after an interchange with a monk who defended Tony Blair. Frustration continues within me that someone who can discuss Buddhist practice could have such a misplaced perception on war in Iraq and Tony Blair. It is now long since the war of 2004 - the interchange occurred on the release of Tony's book (2010?) rather than at the time of the war. One good thing the interchange did for me was that it put flesh on what I knew was the bones of truth, and that is what I began to do on this page. For a while after I developed the page contents but in the end did not complete it. Today I watched this movie, Hijacking Catastrophe:-

It is a suitable end to this discussion. Although the movie does not discuss Tony's complicity it demonstrates an evident history of US war-planning through what is termed the Wolfowitz doctrine. Sadly the Iraqi people paid for that paper.