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Humanity First Protocol - too late? This already feels too late. It is never too late but things have gone way too far, and "middle people" are ignoring the problem. When I began thinking about AI concerned with government systems (as opposed to robots and weaponry), I felt even more completely depressed. I have begun to realise that, however misplaced it is, the rise in rabid individualism is a reaction to 1%-oppression through machines facilitated by liberals. This sounds like a contradiction in terms but this liberal censorship has no freedom. I mentioned how computers were supposed to be user-friendly yet liberalisation has introduced them. The 1% is not interested in anything but their power and profits. If they have liberals as foremen it doesn't matter to them. And the liberals are hiding behind machines, machines rules require universal conformity. And rabid individualism reacts to this. Unfortunately rabid individualism seeking freedom has been manipulated into seeing that these liberals are Marxist, so these egos do not support compassion for all and work against collective struggle. Hence we have the rabid individualism typified by IDWeb, instead of individualism pushing for freedom and compassion for all. Their freedom is only for the ego, and ego works against compassion. Why have we lost freedom? Because there is only profit. There are not the human values that come with compassion, there is only profit and egos flourishing in the market pretending this is freedom. Why is this AI? Because the so-called intelligence that is coming from algorithms is based on market, as discussed by Safiya Noble, based on profit and not based on human compassion. We have lost because there is no prevailing will to introduce protocols that value what is human above AI. AI in government, for society, only has to make decisions based on profit and market algorithms. Whether the IDWeb reacts with individualism doesn't matter because that individualism is not genuine freedom but ego. These insights that led to my depression need some clarification but it already seems too late. I am wondering whether freedom is a rallying call - freedom from the machine. Unfortunately freedom from the machine on the right has become freedom from government regulation, and because of this in the US now we have all the regulations that infringed business being rolled away whilst regulations that infringe personal liberty are left in place. Perhaps, however, the left needs to go with this as a strategy - although the very idea freaks me out because free trade and free regulation is just a bully-boys charter for the 1%. But we do need a move to be free from the machine, we have to end this focus on regulation. Where does this regulation take us? Increased automation, increased control by AI. The protocols that are needed for robots such as the 3 laws need to be applied to computers in general especially if government computers start to be developed using AI - machine control by more than simple coding. Typically now with government agency government workers are facilitating the rules of computers, and the way these workers are being instructed is a methodology that conforms interaction with government as a mechanised, programmed approach - the exact antithesis of user-friendly. In a sense in government now, the differentiation between government worker and machine is indistinguishable, the government worker is the front end of the machine - a human interface, simply a communication conduit. These conduits are presented two ways, hard-hearted people who just accept the limitations or frustrated people who complain that it is not their fault because these are the rules. This conduit mentality is completely back-to-front, the human interface needs to be the power that holds back the ravages of the machine, the conforming straitjacket of regulation. Instead of being the front end and conduits, these workers need to be the human representatives against regulation, against the conforming straitjacket. What about the caring professions? These people are straitjacketed by regulations and lack of finance. As a result their supposed care usually ends up with their being front ends for the machine, in my case as a teacher I was the front end of indoctrination and I was good at that because most kids knew I cared they did well and trusted me to work in their interest. And what did I do for them? Made them into cogs in the machine. What about social workers? These people usually care. They are dealing with human situations fraught with danger. They are continually under attack from a media who are promoting freedom from regulation as a business interest. They are not free to use their judgement. Rather than build up human experience these caring people are constantly pushed into dilemma and to cover themselves they have regulations that protect them. Regulations should not be their protection, humanity and caring needs to be. Politically these people are "nowhere". They do not have the finance to do their job, and they have the machine and regulation repressing the very humanity that is needed to do their job. Then we have the law. When I was young (17/18) I would wander the streets in the early hours with a friend, we both had long hair and it was a hippy time when drugs were coming in. We were maybe stopped by police because we were not conforming, but because it was clear there was no criminal intent we were sent on our way home. Young scallywags committing trivial crime were clipped round the ear and sent home. In today's context we were white and privileged; back then a black boy could not have done the same. The police were and are mostly racist, it is that mentality that attracts them to be police. To attempt to control the racism amongst other human police characteristics regulation is in place. These protect the police including when they are wrong as in "Black Lives Matter". Because the police still attract the racists the situation hasn't changed, it is far worse. Regulation and machine are intertwined and designed to infringe on human freedom. The IDWeb are a group of misfits who appeal to the need for freedom but however intellectual it is simply frustration - rage against the machine. Because it is mostly emotional there is no clear analysis. Freedom is what is needed but they fail to see that a blind allegiance to the market and freedom from regulation (government) is simply a business tactic - libertarians are doing the work of the 1%. Freedom means compassion for all - an end to suffering for all. And it is necessary to see where this suffering stems from. And much of it comes from the 1% sponsoring nationalism because they know that will help their deregulation and profits. What we need in our society is freedom from conformity - freedom to be human. We need to end this notion that the human is the front end and interface of machine and regulation. The human needs to return to being the interpreter of value and freedom, the human needs to be trusted whether they make mistakes or not. We need to understand that the mistakes that are made are usually caused by lack of funding and workload pressure. Why do we have this? Because the 1% have accumulated all the money. The 1% want the AI. They want the machine (government, automation and regulation) to be the focus of anger. They want humans to conform to "machine" because that enables profits. They want to disempower humans whose compassion naturally works against profit-making. Government people as others want to keep their jobs, they have families to look after. Through automation they enforce regulation that conforms. Rabid individualism rages against this machine but is manipulated into targeting the front end and interface instead of the source of the problem who are the 1% manipulating the machine for their own benefit. It is time to return this process to humans. Humans have to end being front ends, end being interfaces, and people have to allow them to be free to judge what is correct. To do this they need to be financed and accumulation has to be ended to enable that finance. That is why it is too late, that cannot happen. Humanity needs to be valued, ultimately that is what the machine does not do. Humanity works for the machine, and not the proper way round. This is why AI is so frightening. Because of the 1% humans are being conformed into AI, and not vice versa. Recently I am sorry to say liberals have been key architects of this downfall. Humanity first, somehow we need humanity first protocols in all forms of software design, for all machines not just robots. Humanity first protocols - 3 laws. | |||
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Books:- Treatise, Wai Zandtao Scifi, Matriellez Education. Blogs:- Matriellez, Zandtao. |