This is a companion blog to my unfinished book Educating for Nature - On Love, Home and Learning:A Personal Journey through Schooling.

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About Matriellez

This blog is my education blog. It was initially setup as a blog to develop ideas for my book shown in the blog. But that book stopped - I hope temporarily.

At the time I setup the blog I was investigating democracy in schools. The 4 pages were the key themes developed in the book - the wifi classroom probably has little innovative relevance today (October 2017).

However I have just added a mindfulness meditation page, what is relevant from Buddhism in western education could have been a title and might be a theme I develop for the book.

The book has got to be dated, I wrote it soon after I retired so there was an element of venting and venting is not part of an education vision. Since I stopped work on the book there have been changes in education and in what I see ought to be part of education - such as mindfulness meditation. To cope with both of these I intend to revise part 1, create a part 2, and write a summary of the visions that is timeless.

Books:- Treatise, Wai Zandtao Scifi, Matriellez Education. Blogs:- Zandtao, Mandtao.