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NOISE I suspect I am just getting ready for a Wai Zandtao story but I look at it all – it’s just so much NOISE. And everyone has become NPRs (non-player roles) dragged into this NOISE. There is Trump-puppet playing out his TV role on the political stage, even though all of the 1% were not sure of this maverick he has been a godsend for their exploitation. Everything he does is so completely divisive, MAGAMAWPs support him, the liberals get completely wound up, the media hasn’t got to create news Trump-puppet does it for them, and there is just NOISE – whilst the 1% are raking it in. Everything about Trump is so lacking in decency, sila or compassion he is distasteful for some of the 1%, but as greed is their modus operandi they don’t really care – well their addiction allows them to forget their limited care. In the UK this US greed is screwing over the country. Back in the 90s the Tory party were in disarray over Europe, some of the Tories were bought off by European multinationals and some by the US. This greed was so powerful they shot themselves in the foot, and Blair got in. This lasted nearly 20 years until the Tories and Cameron got back in. Then began the manipulations US vs EU multinationals, and there was a referendum. All kinds of noise grew up around the referendum, the result –Brexit, and British NOISE is just crazy and so self-destructive. [And my exchange rate is going down – now nearly half of what it was when I retired in 2006.] It is just NOISE, manipulated NOISE, whilst the 1% manipulate their puppets to increase their profits. The NOISE is not real because the wars for profit continue and there is no end to (wage-)slavery. The planet continues to be exploited, and the adults continue their NPR NOISE leaving kids to be the only ones talking about this central issue of climate. But kids have limited power, the 1% create their NOISE, the destruction of Gaia continues, and ordinary people are NPRs in a melodrama of destruction for profit. There is a solution – pathtivism – spiritual activism. Sounds so pathetic to say this when so much is attracted to the NOISE. Detach from the NOISE, go inside yourself and find the compassion, insight and creativity allowing them to be the forces that destroy the NOISE. When you first look inside your head what do you see? Mental noise. Your mind is totally out of control running from one desire to another. Whilst there is such mental noise then it is so easy to be sucked into the NOISE outside. NOISE attracts noise – if you like. Detach inside, follow your path, just let all the NOISE just melt away. Be spirit, become spiritually active not as NPR but as a player for Gaia, a spirit player, a warrior. Detach from the NOISE, follow the path despite noisy appearances it is the only way. And it is more fun, joy bliss, whatever. ![]()
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Books:- Treatise, Pathtivism Manual, Wai Zandtao Scifi, Matriellez Education. Blogs:- Matriellez, Mandtao. |