Prajna Portal
Prajna reflections    A z-quest into Real Love    A z-quest - is there a secular path?    Unleashing    Zanshadtao - z-quest on path, bypassing and shadow    Zandtaomed   Wai Zandtao - Scifi  

Warning!! Remember the Diamond sutra Warning!!. here

Preface Zandtao the seeker's work from now on will be developed here in Prajna-Zandtao - where his autonomy crossed a threshold. Following Viveka-Zandtao his journey into the unknown crossed this threshold of autonomy. Advice on developing dhamma practice is with zandtaomed; across the threshold everything has become the seeker's development of their own depth. So there will be Z-quests and occasional reflections.

Why Prajna-Zandtao:-


Of Spiritual Love and Path
Is there a secular path?
Unleashing - Love, Surrender and Sacred Wounds

Reflections:- Prajna reflections

Prajna reflections    A z-quest into Real Love    A z-quest - is there a secular path?    Unleashing    Zanshadtao - z-quest on path, bypassing and shadow       Zandtaomed   Wai Zandtao - Scifi