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2) Dogmatons

The monitors grew out of Yoxa Dogmaticus but required a great deal of refining.

Eventually the downtrodden Pagans stood up to the few. The Pasur had manipulated a sect of society that were dogmatic as part of their strategy – there were many divide-and-rule strategies. Basically these dogmatons were encouraged to believe they were right, and as with all dichotomies – if there was a right there was a wrong. When the Pasur first began exploiting the Yoxa they dumped on them. Needing their labour they enforced their slavery – seemed obvious. But what they then discovered was that maintaining slavery was not cost effective.

For years different groups of Pasurs had fought over a large mineral-rich continent. No race are perfect but on this continent there was relative peace. Being tribal Yoxa, they followed their leaders; in the end this was self-destructive. A leader led their Yoxa into battle, was often their strongest, and fought off challenges. Such leaders died young, the new leaders died young; how was the wisdom of such tribes ever to grow? Over time these leaders saw little personal sense in battling because engaging the enemy often meant their death – in many such battles both leaders died, new leaders took their place, and eventually their egos would take them into battle. That was until the wisdom of time brought about an unspoken peace. These leaders became famous for their pomp. Tribes were reputed for the pomp of their leaders, and stories abounded by word of mouth (dogmatons called this the oral tradition). In earlier times Yoxa-tai followed their leaders because the leaders would provide them with new lands, but these new lands were pointless because there was never a lasting peace to harvest from these lands. When the leaders became less aggressive – less willing to invade, Yoxa were happier – after all they died as well as their leaders. Seeing their leaders becoming pompous Yoxa-tai encouraged it – they too became pompous; in a way there was a new leadership criterion “who was the most pompous?”

Over the years this fanning of ego in a more personal and coquettish way led to peace on this vast continent. Local wars virtually disappeared as leaders focussed on finery rather than weaponry. Leader’s palaces became places of legend as local mineral wealth was used as egoic signs of splendour. Was there a long-term balance in this approach? No because these Yoxa were still far too focussed on ego, but at least their egos did not take them to war.

Until the egos from outside forced them to. Exploring for the natural wealth os this continent, early Pasur decided that if it was appropriated it could finance vast invading armies and develop huge personal deposits back home. Initially this wealth bought homes, often bought partners, but in the end there was nothing to buy. How many homes could they build? Eventually different minerals themselves took on value. Pretty red rocks had value, sparkling green rocks had value, clear rocks had value; it didn’t matter what was valuable so long as there was something to be valued and that everyone agreed it was valuable. There became different Pasur centres reputed for different rocks, there was the emerald Pasur where those Pasur only invaded lands for emeralds, ruby Pasur who invaded lands for rubies – you get the picture. In their desires for silly rocks these Pasur conquered the world. Not only was the large continent invaded for these stupid rocks but throughout the world Pasur troops turned peaceful Yoxa into subjugated Yoxa and then into armies that fought.

But in their expansion was their inherent downfall. As Pasur exploited the local Yoxa both as slaves to mine for the minerals and overseers to control the slaves, fewer and fewer Pasur wanted to live in these far off countries – and definitely not in sufficient numbers to oppress the Yoxa into being slaves. Economically the Pasur needed to find a different way of controlling the Yoxa, and they followed the practise they had used with the overseers. Initially using the leaders of the tribes as overseers was unstable as the overseers then sympathised with the slaves, but then they hit on the idea of using overseers from one tribe to control the slaves of another. It was then they realised this policy could became their exit strategy – enable a smaller tribe. Realising their territories were becoming unstable, they developed this minopower strategy – determine a tribe who could be manipulated into controlling the other slaves and give them power of government provided they maintained economic relations. As a result minerals flowed from their satraps back to the Pasur whilst the local minopower took all the flack.

This maintained the wealth flowing in the direction the Pasur-ner wanted until they themsleves got too greedy. Why? Their wealth was egregious, but then none of what the Pasur did made sense through the eyes of history. Eventually the Pasur fought each other for control of the wealth but even in defeat they recognised that it was important that Pasur remain in charge of all the countries. One Pasur country was noted for starting wars to increase their control of mineral wealth. Losing a particular war, these Pasur could not allow Yoxa control so with manipulation the defeated Pasur maintained power, flexed their egos again, sought increased wealth, created war and then needed to be jumped on again - a cycle of war that provided profits. Throughout Pagan times these particular Pasur never ceased to be falling and rising into power until eventually the Dogmatons put a stop to it all.

Eventually the Pasur decided that their main efforts were required in their home country, the more they kept their Yoxa ignorant the more they could be exploited. One of their global wars had got out of hand so foolishly they sent their own troops out to a distant land. Despite a huge loss of life in that land the war continued for years. By comparison this huge loss barely affected the Yoxa-ner but they all knew of family who had died as soldiers. Being forced to introduce conscription in order to ensure they had enough cannon fodder, the Pasur-ner made a huge mistake and this backfired for generations. Families saw their dead young and reacted, forcing the Pasur to end the war.

Fighting wars with conscription never happened again. Glorifying war through their media Pasur never showed their young Yoxa as mercilessly killing peasants,instead they were seen as being mistreated by heathens who were supposedly heartless to their own Yoxa. Carrying out deeds in defence of the downtrodden, handsome young men were shown as heroes and the Yoxa were too tired to use their brains to perceive anything else. With such heroism being promoted within education establishments, there was a steady source of heroes as cannon fodder.

But there were dirty jobs, wars with no justification. Destabilising these “dirty” countries by providing arms for minorities, Pasur enabled minority to fight minority and endless war was created. It was not helped by these countries having their own dictatorial Pasur who refused to let go of power, and these dictators encouraged their Yoxa to kill each other. Still needing control to extract resources, Pasur employed security companies to carry out these dirty jobs. Such security companies maintained illicit arms trade to disreputable Yoxa, and sent out their own operatives to do any dirty jobs needed. Whilst ensuring that the companies had government funds to complete the tasks – government funds that had been collected through taxes, governments guided by Pasur could then disown these mercenaries - which they did.

And if these mercenaries couldn’t do the jobs, they always had drones - except drones had one significant drawback. Although they were claimed to be target-specific, this was far from the truth. Once the targets knew they were targets they forced Yoxa to remain close – and when the Pasur killed a target they called the many other victims “collateral damage”. Claiming that a recognised enemy had been “taken out”, Pasur media did not report the tears and chagrin that always accompanied such a horrific use. But the Pasur’s Yoxa never worried too much about that, their family were not out there, these enemies were heathens, and the drones cost vast amounts of money so many of these Yoxa had jobs – and were bought off in this way.

Pasur investment into control of their own Yoxa paid great benefits. These Yoxa thought little of the deaths their lifestyle created via the Pasur MICwars. And at the same time these Yoxa were so grateful for two reasons. Firstly they saw what their own country did to other Yoxa and were thankful it was not them. And secondly the Pasur always made sure there were never enough jobs to go around, so Yoxa in work were relieved to be wage slaves.

But then the Pasur muddied the waters even further by enabling the Dogmatons, because they needed the attention of the Yoxa to be focussed away from identifying the Pasur as the source of the problem. As always there was the obvious Yoxa solution - the ego. Ego comes in many forms but one obvious form is that of superiority, there were always some Yoxa who thought they were superior to others. But the Pasur didn’t leave this to chance, they controlled the education system. Instead of there being natural education where all Yoxa need to be educated to find their role in nature, the Pasur created an education system that focussed on ego by making it competitive. Two things were needed from this Pasur education, a Yoxa that accepts being wage-slaves, and secondly a competitive Yoxa where there were mechanisms to show superiority. Most of this was achieved by testing, and awarding jobs based on these tests; with this mechanism the young were controlled for a long time. Parents sent them to school telling them to learn, and the Pasur made sure that young Yoxa learned that the Pasur system of conquest wars and wage-slavery was an honourable system, and then they rewarded a few by ensuring only those they wanted passed the tests. Significant was labelling the rest as failures because if they “failed” they were then much relieved to accept any sort of wage-slave job, their gratitude enslaving them for life.

At the same time as the Dogmatons were gaining increased power this system was not working for the Pasur because they now had automation meaning that they only really needed creative Yoxa who believed in the Pasur system – if they didn’t believe why would creative Yoxa apply their abilities? Other Yoxa had their labour usurped by cheaper machines, and there were fewer jobs – only for those few who could oil the cogs.

Honiti put down his pad. He had been waiting for the USG meeting and had been looking at history. Never looking at genuine history, Pasur education turned history into a vainglorious indoctrination that encouraged Pasur worship, individualism and heroism; such history never looked for patterns of development. Understandable really, a clear view of history would have exposed them for what they were – users and murderers.

Today was a special day for the USG, despite the discouragement of the monitors they were going to meet for the first time in person. It was a given rule that compassion could never be reflected online. In earlier times science never examined the forces in play during Yoxa communication. That’s probably because Yoxa never properly communicated in earlier times, thought Honiti but maybe not after all they never really had a chance to be free back then.

He remembered the monitor discussing with them. “Why do you need that level of communication? You are vulnerable. Meeting in person will expose that vulnerability and that could lead to all kinds of unwanted consequences,” warned Chipak. “I have seen it, all the monitors have seen it. It is one of the first things they tell us.” Even on the screens she could see the lack of heeding. “If we were Dogmatons we would ban such things,” she concluded knowing it wouldn’t work.

Anticipating meeting the group Honiti had arrived early, and there was still time so his mind drifted back to Yoxa history. It was so interesting to understand the forces – to help us understand who we are. Why had the Pasurs so underestimated the Dogmatons but in a way he didn't need history to answer - Pasur-Ner were so arrogant.

Once their greed became so entrenched they allowed automation to take over, the Pasur changed education. In Pagan times creativity in education was never systemically considered. Gaia always threw up the creative but such Yoxa were never mainstream – except for those in mainstream media who mimicked creativity as part of the narrative - part of maintaining mainstream delusion. Because the Pasur knew creativity, awareness and change were inextricably linked, their education system particularly played down creativity – basically creativity could expose the Pasurs. No it was more than that, creativity was the very source of truth, creativity is the tool that sees truth. Whilst the intellect is deluded through education, whilst emotions come and go in daily life and can be manipulated by those who choose to, creativity is the insight that sees through and beyond to truth. It is the only way. There is no truth on the pads, there are words and descriptions that can move towards the truth but the incisiveness of creativity is needed to grasp it. No-one can know what Gaia intends but when Gaia wants you to know she gives creativity.

What became common knowledge in modern times wasn’t known in these earlier times. It is Gaia’s choice, often called the muse Leuak, when creativity happens; but it is every Yoxa’s duty to be ready. Similarly it is education’s duty to prepare Yoxa to be open to that creativity when Leuak happens, but in early times education closed minds by filling them up with so much irrelevant content. Education did provide positive societal skills especially amongst the younger, but change and the awareness of the need for change were actively discouraged.

In fact there was much that is now accepted as mature requirements which education never even considered. Despite it often being spoken as a mantra in training and conferences, the mantra that education was there to prepare the young for adulthood, in reality all it prepared the young for was wage-slavery. Especially in Pagan times the mature had it difficult. The very process of becoming mature was fraught. Putting it simply to start on the mature path required a rejection of conditioning, and although that seems natural to us now it was far from easy in practise. When young, compulsory education meant that there was no escape from societal conditioning. From birth throughout the day each Yoxa was conditioned until they started in the world of work; maybe there were a few whose parents did not accept conditioning but there was still peer pressure. Yoxa often tried to escape conditioning through leisure acvtivitiesbut it was often remarked in teenage rebellion how conformist those rebels were to whatever contemporaneous fashion their teenage fantasies adhered to. And very often that rebellion had no connection with a mature path – just a different form of entertainment that the Pasur business interests exploited.

So somehow Leuak had to survive within each person till at least they were 21 without ever reaching full expression. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for those young Yoxa to live with Leuak’s head rising? thought Honiti, his mind shivered. Honiti had read of those mature Yoxa going through times of torment as Leuak battled the conditioning. Because even as adults the conditioning was ever-present whether it was in the community of peers, the ongoing mainstream indoctrination masquerading as entertainment or throughout the literature that was supposed to lead out. Reading of these Yoxa hitting bottom, going through years of depression, involved in battles with drugs, all because their minds had been fashioned with conditioning rather than remaining open as Gaia intended, he was deeply saddened. At least once Leuak had broken through, She brought with her a sense of joy and happiness to these repressed minds, a joy that the rest of Yoxa never experienced. Honiti couldn’t imagine how throughout their whole life a Yoxa could never experience Leuak’s joy – such an emptiness.

Honiti’s drifting mind was brought back by a rustle of activity as the door opened. In walked two of their group with the monitor, Chipak, and then behind them he saw Lina. His heart fluttered. Maybe deep inside him nascent love had encouraged him to be early, maybe deep inside fate had been part of the process of this person meeting, maybe Leuak was thanking him for his hard work. Maybe ended at the moment he saw her. It showed in the fluttering of his heart but that was all, his duty would not allow it to surface any more than that. But in that moment life changed irrevocably for Honiti.

For Honiti duty was the feeble barrier that prevented love’s fulfilment, and that barrier only needed a nudge.

In the meeting he admired what she said. At one time his body’s attraction had raised the thoughts of her physical charms, the ample breasts that were only noticeable because he allowed his attention to go there, her long hair that she touched occasionally pulling it over her left cheek and allowing it to fall over her breast and back into place, and her face - it was a face he liked. Was she beautiful or was it just him? And as the body continued to further engage his mind he quickly stopped the desire-controlled thoughts, bringing hos attention back he focussed on the meeting.

After the meeting a few decided to walk in the park – such a beautiful day Gaia would surely recharge them. It turned out Chipak loved history as well, this was good as history had many lessons for monitors thought Honiti. When Chipak talked about the way Yoxa had underestimated the corruption of the Dogmatons Honiti was amused, and for a long time they walked he with Lina and Darando - just walking listening to Chipak’s erudition. It was clear Chipak was conscious of Dogmaton failings but he didn’t have the deep-seated anger for them that Honiti felt. Yoxa who know what is going on have a greater responsibility to Gaia, Honiti felt, these Dogmatons knew that the wars the Pasur fought were for profit, these Dogmatons knew that it was wrong to control creativity by rules but they still did it. How can they have been like that?

“Historians always say that the Dogmatons first became significant in Pagan times but then they were called PC. As far as I understand it they began with good intentions = including the recognition that the wars Pasur-ner instigated were at the root of many social problems in their own lands. They had a phrase that the world was getting smaller, and some might think this a justification – not you Honiti?” she smiled.

“Early invasions were carried out in lands that only the troops visited; for the Yoxa-ner back home, even if they were caring in their community, those distant Yoxa meant nothing - just less educated Yoxa living where the minerals were found or where they got the cotton or the bananas etc. Over the years this changed. Some Yoxa began to get a conscience that it was unfair to exploit those in far off lands, and all kinds of ridiculous theories were put forward – including one that said Ner brains were bigger than Tai,” she mused her laughter was quite infectious “that was when they believed the mind resided in the brain,” she added as an aside.

“Even religion was used as a means of claiming superiority, they deluded themselves that their Pagan religion was better than the religions of Yoxa-Tai so they sent out missionaries to convert. And because they had the armies Yoxa were forced to be converted. So developed some very corrupt religions where the heart had been ripped out by this military imposition.

“Back home the issue of racism became more serious. Once these countries became underdeveloped by the practices of invasion, the exploited Yoxa began following the money – well not strictly the money as the home countries did not take money from these countries but minerals. In the homeland the Pasur then used race to divide blaming the immigrating races rather than recognising a Pasur exploitation tactic. Racist language became common place, it was accepted everywhere. At the time activists recognised that the source of racism was not the language but they promoted methods of restricting racist language with the ongoing intention that control of the language would be followed by awareness education.

“It was the awareness failure that was the most important. The liberal intellectuals began to take over, and their understanding of racism was limited. Rather than seeing the source in the Pasur they became satisfied with token measures such as language restriction. For these Liberals censorship was sufficient. Happy with this because they knew censorship was divisive, the Pasur encouraged these liberals. As the liberals became more and more powerful censorship increased and so did the division. And whilst this increased censorship happened, the Pasur quietly got on with their exploitation - accumulating more and more.

“Power was an aphrodisiac to these liberal intellectuals, the more power they had the more censorship they introduced. These liberals would bang on about rights, how important it was to say the right thing about race gender and trans; so long as Yoxa said the right thing it didn’t matter what happened. Recognising this diversion the Pasur continued with their wars and wage-slavery allowing these self-righteous to gain increasing power.

“There was a backlash for a while by some ignorant Yoxa. Deep-rooted racists and sexists hated this censorship, and they began to mobilise against this liberal control. But the Pasur manipulated this by putting in power obnoxious leaders who cared little for compassion. These obnoxious demagogues gained democratic power through lies and deceit, and created anarchy whilst in power. Using this anarchy Pasur-Ner increased their exploitation, and eventually the Yoxa turned away from the demagogues. However this lurch to right-wing demagogues worked against Yoxa rights because the compassionate standing up for the Yoxa were attacked by the right and driven underground by right-wing militias. But these militias left the liberals alone as they were feeble and were of no apparent threat. So by the time this ignorant backlash had played out more power was consolidated in the hands of these liberals.

“This is where the Pasur got it wrong leading eventually to their demise. Increasing censorship dumbed down the Yoxa, and for a while the Pasur saw no problem with this because increasing automation led to greater profits – and their raison d’etre was satisfied. Dumbing down and automation went hand-in-hand for a while until gradually the Pasur had no creative imput. Without their creative intelligence there was nothing to drive increasing profits. As their profits declined their control of the military disappeared especially as the military required weapons innovation to maintain advantage. Increasingly the military turned to policing, and the power switched from the war footing of the Pasur to the policing of the censorship of the Dogmatons. And once the military had switched allegiance the Pasur power had gone. The censorship of the Dogmatons became central to the activities of the military who had refashioned themselves as police. Increasingly the alliance between power and censorship kept “peace”, and the Dogmatons congratulated themselves. Soon the alliance was strong enough to impose restrictions on the Pasur whose wealth was repatriated to the state to finance increased state security – one of the many euphemisms censorship used. “Meanwhile globally the war engine of the Pagan era – the Pasurs – had lost any dynamism, and where there had once been MICwars there was now efforts to rebuild societies. Throughout Pagan times there had been a UN but it was teethless because the most powerful manipulated its democracy through financial control. Gradually taking over the UN the Dogmatons applied global censorship through global policing. There was an end of wars because of religion or race, there was an end to overt gender exploitation as language was controlled. It was all pushed behind closed doors, domestic violence increased but the policing was there to control it and it too subsided.

“So Yoxa-Gaia became a peaceful place but repressed. Gone was creativity and insight, such increasingly coming into conflict with the censorship as Gaia through them tried to push back against the imposed boundaries of censorship. Fundamental to Gaia was creativity and this was an anathema to the Dogmatons.

“But the arrogance of these Dogmatons lasted a long time whilst Yoxa spirit was further and further repressed by the censorship that was fed by their arrogance. The Dogmatons had ended wars, now there was no overt racism and sexism, transgender became a fashion which brought its own problems as so many jumped on the bandwagon. The peace that was created repressed so much that was Yoxa, and love became shallow dominated by language rather than soul. It was a world of automation, sufficiency and imposed dullness. But there was peace."

“But repression can never be permanent,” Lina chimed in.

“Of course not but it did last a long time because they were frightened of the MICwars. The Yoxa repressed their true natures out of fear that MICwars would return,” Chipak answered “but that could not happen because the Dogmatons placed a cap on personal wealth so there could never be a return of the Pasur-class.”

“It was better than the Pagans,” conceded Honiti “but at what cost in lives. It makes me shiver when I think of how creativity and love suffered.”

“How did that happen, Honiti?” asked Lina moving next to Honiti – despite Chipak’s subtle efforts to separate them. Honiti began explaining, and the two moved closer together as they became engrossed in their conversation. Chipak watched horrified as he knew what was happening – what had to happen when they met in person. Chipak became distracted by Darando but when she laterlooked back she knew it was too late.

“They failed to monitor the monitors,” laughed Darando continuing the conversation looking pointedly at Chipak. Other duties brought her attention to Darando; Lina and Honiti were lost away in the distance.

“Yes for a long time these arrogant Dogmatons thought everything they did was right,” agreed Chipak as she continued to walk with Darando “this was a typical intellectual failing. They thought they were detached when in fact all they were was ignorant.”

“Yes these Dogmatons did not understand love, they did not understand creativity, and they did not understand insight,” answered Darando.

“But most importantly, they didn’t realise their own ignorance of how important these qualities were to life on earth,” continued Chipak.

“To Gaia,” concluded Darando. They both stopped, and looked around. There was a mild breeze that whistled through the trees. To their left a leaf dropped, further away there was a mild swaying. And wherever they looked there was peace, a peace that they could all have if they opened their hearts and listened; for the most part now they did.