Public Domain Science Fiction Writer |
The Chronicles became more than the tales of an old man. With input from Corders they became a blueprint for the society that mature humans could build on earth. Deaths passed by Corders. It was almost to the day that Arico finished his Chronicles that he died. It hit Carjo the most as in such a short time he had genuinely grown to love his old grandfather. Disappointingly Corders relationship with Aldris never improved but he did count himself lucky that he had loved. Her closed mind impacted on her lifespan – maybe, and she died soon after the children became adults – not long after Arico. When she died there was an unspoken relief in the children. While she was alive their love prevented them from siding with Corders, she was their mother. On her death they felt free to show their true emotions to Corders. They had always seen Corders for who he was, but their attachment to their mother had restricted its expression. Now they could love him, and were pleased to stay with him and see him as their father when the new generations came. With Carjo Corders was amending Arico’s chronicles to add the wisdom the offworlder could bring – all this with Arico’s blessing. For Corders there was then the continuation of his new monitoring. Following the intervention UG were not concerned with what was happening on earth as they knew it would be a long time before they developed technology that could reach fastlight planets. But UG appreciated having a contact there, they were glad Corders had decided to stay. For Corders emotions concerning the planet had run the gamut. From a position of depressive isolation he fell in love unwisely, but this had brought him to see the value in these humans. His decision to stay had given him time with a family, his family, and that could never be undervalued. But he was on earth for more because he wanted to help these people. They were susceptible as had been seen by the centuries under the yoke of the ruai. It was so unusual, but not totally rare, that so many people accepted such an imposing delusion; why does anyone accept wage-slavery, he thought. Many of these humans pointed out in anger that such slavery was so totally destructive but these humans were too trusting, they had good hearts; perhaps that is why he stayed. After all it was only a small percentage who were ruai, a few who were selfish and enforced the ruai system, and the rest just followed initially through trust although in the end through addiction to ruai drugs. Gaia showed Corders the way through the contacts that had naturally grown in the 8 couples – even the anomaly of one of their children, Aldris, whose contact existed despite not being holistic – integrated. He noted this so as to avoid possible occurrences in the future. Whilst he could not induce such contacts Corders could help them along, and this became his “UG” mission. When the children had grown Corders travelled. What had the intervention produced? Mostly he was pleased with what he found. He realised that following the intervention was the first time that humans had not had a ruling class. The ruai were a development. To begin with there were the natural leaders, but because they were so primitive – even by human standards – these leaders fought each other. Once they became cognisant, their egos led them to be possessive, and the powerful appropriated land – claiming it for themselves although how they could say that with Gaia he never knew. Appropriating land became the first accumulations, and became a measure of their power. Why humans respected ownership rather than who people were Corders never ever understood in all the generations he saw. Appropriating land became too burdensome – maintaining a military presence was too costly. These landowners determined that deluding the people could produce the same effect. It was easy to play off the egos of some, and because in the primitive years these leaders were followed into what eventually became wage slavery. Slowly these selfish landowners determined wealth in other ways but the principle was the same – measure their power by external accumulation. It quickly became apparent to these accumulators that although the people were deluded initially they might soon see through those delusions. Through education and communal impositions societies became conditioned to accept accumulation by the few as the way it was, and this conditioning moved further into accepting that it was their duty to help accrue these fortunes as wage-slaves. Even that slavery was a development as to begin with landowners used people as slaves on their land as well as slaves to fight to appropriate new lands. But once land was not the measure of accumulation the slavery changed to suit the new measure – money, and they became wage-slaves. So from almost the beginning of human life accumulation and slavery had gone hand-in-hand, and humans had known no difference until the intervention removed the ruling-class. Once the ruai had no power, and once the institutions of conditioning began to see through their role in perpetuating the illusion that the ruai merited power and accumulation, humans were left to their own devices and their hearts shone through. It was hard to begin with as vestiges of ego still pervaded the planet but because the infrastructure of slavery and conditioning did not now exist these egos soon lost the reinforcing establishment that had maintained their existence through the centuries. Hearts could hold forth especially if there was someone there who was tweaking away the occasional ego. Significant about egos is that they don’t know their place in Gaia, although Gaia is their “mother” egos somehow feel they don’t have to follow her direction. Without ego perversion humans worked happily according to their nature with respect for the planet their guide. At least mostly. And that was why Corders travelled. He moved from village to village, and it was clear where there were structures that stuck out – egis fashioned after their own lack of humility. The mansion, the grand statue, dominating photos were all giveaways, and it took very little time to remove these perversions. In one country there was a religious leader who encouraged people to wear his image as an amulet, whilst another leader in the same country refused amulets and only had the occasional photo. It was clear who brought insight. Corders encouraged the imaged leader to denounce such ostentation, that same leader began denouncing other forms of wealth and ego, and through his example began following the truth of the more humble practitioner. There were some places where ego had combined with military, these were the most risky. Fortunately for this Gaia the majority of the military had so hated the hawks that the rank-and-file had avoided the ego and chauvinism that characterised most military minds. But not all had been fortunate, there were the occasional isolated village where local leaders had combined with a small group of military to maintain security. And the poor villagers there had become a new form of wage-slavery – tithes. In fact this was an old form of servitude where landlords had required tithes (money had replaced tithes). Initially the people had accepted the landlord’s provision of security – they assumed that such security needs existed throughout the land. But then the landlord through his own greed increased the amount of tithes, and to collect these tithes the military were rewarded with extra benefits. Corders sought out on of the farmers who had a good heart. Over a period of time he worked with Geva, and gradually Geva began to understand the situation of the landlord and tithes. This understanding became very clear to Geva once he took the time to travel with Corders, and Geva saw how other villages survived. On his final journey with Geva Corders initiated contact, and from then on he knew the young farmer’s good heart combined with the creativity and insight that came with contact would ensure development in the village. On their return Corders created a meltdown in the leader, and the people demanded Geva replace him. Geva had made an agreement with the military that they would still be needed, and the peoples’ wish was granted. Over time the tithes were reduced, and the military were used to enforce the reduction in these tithes giving them the feeling they were still protecting the village. The military were encouraged to take part in community projects benefitting the village, until in the end the military accepted they were the same as the villagers and vice versa. It did take time of course, and by then Corders was long gone. By the time Corders returned from his travels, Carjo and Arica were old. Corders had long since stopped surprising them but it was hard for them to see their father looking younger than they. But they still loved him, and they spent time together in their old age before their deaths also became part of Corders’ tapestry. Corders stayed and worked with their grandchildren, and learnt how human connections were developing, it was important to feel it first hand and this he was able to do through his family. He was so pleased to know that in time his adopted world could begin to join UG because the human heart was truly able to express itself. He moved on again tinkering with the generations. Meanwhile the roadmap that he had created with Arico and Carjo more and more influenced the Global Collective. It was specifically with government (GC) that Corders’ contribution was needed. Before the ruai had established authoritarianism based on drug-induced compliance they had dabbled with democracy as a form of compliance. He laughed to himself at the gullibility of these humans. Since the time of any records whether oral or written, there had always been a ruling class whether as royalty or just landowners, then suddenly industrialising meant that a new system of democratic control would come into being. But that is exactly what the ruai had pretended. Once they were certain that they could control the outcome, the ruai established elections. To begin with they determined the candidates but once the system was in place they allowed the parties to choose – knowing the parties would choose candidates who would follow their system. Although to begin with there were different landowning blocs, the system each bloc used was the same. Two primary parties were supposedly in opposition, but there were minor differences between the parties, and the one defining feature of the policies of the two parties was that neither party had a policy that exposed the ruai as being the true power – the ones in control. This system worked for the ruai for some centuries. Because the humans believed that they were in control they were willing to work for the ruai. The ruai pretended that the more profits the workers created for the ruai the more benefits the ruai would let trickle down to their communities. But in the end this system became unstable as more and more people exposed it for what it was – a delusion. With the increasing awareness came the need for military oppression, and with that oppression productivity dropped and profits fell, with that awareness not only were people less willing to work for the ruai but they were also unwilling to purchase the products the ruai dangled in front of them. So authoritarianism didn’t work, and that was when the drug culture was introduced. Not only did the workers’ addiction mean that they had to buy that ruai product drugs but they also were deluded into thinking that the ruai were helping them by providing the drugs. That worked fine and would have continued to work well if it hadn’t been for their discovery of fastlight and the resulting intervention. Despite the manipulated democracy that the ruai had created democracy had to be the principle that underlied any system. But democracy was not sufficient. Philosophers had always contended different systems of governance but most of these failed because they did not sufficiently recognise human nature. These philosophers themselves had an ego that told them their system was best for all concerned, and this ego was the source of failure. Human nature being what it was, there were two opposing forces required in government – utilitarian good and individual respect, this was characterised by the apparent paradox that governance needed to respect individual rights whilst providing for the collective. Corders liked to call this system collective anarchism. At first he promoted the system of collective anarchism by proposing that humans train up prospective government officials to be anarchists, and then those anarchists had to run the collective. But he soon saw this wasn’t working because none of the anarchists believed in any form of collectivism so the system soon ground to a halt. So next they worked on a collective government run by collectivists, and an ongoing opposition of anarchists with whom the constitution required that the collectivists listened when the anarchists were critical. If the anarchists criticised the government for imposing on human rights then the government were required to be accountable by reaching agreement with the anarchists. If agreement could not be reached – a rare situation because they were all working together, then wider arbitration involving more and more of the people was sought until there was clarity. Within the two branches of governance there were watchdogs that had to be heard. The first was the democracy watchdog to make sure that the collective was serving all of the people, and the second – much more essential – the ego watchdog. Once people had power there was always the fear that the power would go to their heads, and so the people who were recognised as having the greatest insight and creativity became part of this watchdog to warn against egoic behaviour. Corders imagined these watchdogs as the eyes of the yin and yang of collective anarchism. With this “system” of collective anarchism in place governance took place democratically – elections were never held as there was no need to present the delusion of democracy as the system was intended to be democratic. Over the centuries humanity developed much more slowly than the ruai system that was motivated by profit. But it developed the way it should with people being happy, and in the end Corders was happy to allow the humans to discover fastlight - eventually making contact with UG and becoming acceptable members thereof. But by the time he allowed the discovery of the fastlight planet he had become old. He remembered his final meeting with the UG, and he took humble pride in reporting that these humans were ready to join UG at the appropriate time. “They meet our protocols. I was able to guide them through their worst times by establishing a roadmap,” reported Corders explaining Corders’ contribution to The Arico Chronicles. “We agree this was a good strategy,” commented the chair “combining the natural development of the natives with the wisdom protocols of UG. A good balance. Perhaps we should recommend this for all operatives working with renegade planets.” “In principle I agree,” answered Corders cautiously “but it requires a high level of dedication amongst such envoys.” He paused thinking about how much his ego had been drawn into the isolation of their ruais. “I have to point out that I fell in love, and it was this love that made me so dedicated to these joyous people. We cannot make love a UG protocol for renegade planets,” he joked and there were smiles all around. Love they all knew had a certain randomness to it – genuine love. He informed them that he was now going to step down as envoy as it was time for him to enjoy his old age with recollection and reflected wisdom, they all knew where he was going. He returned to earth and he returned to the secluded plateau that had once been the home of Arico and Marina. With the help of the Tratrap community they built him a modest home – they would have done more, and he spent his days meditating, writing, dealing with his health, and eventually dieing. Throughout this time villagers would come to check on him, and on his death his cremation added “offworldliness” to the spirit that was their Gaia. They collected his writings which then became prized within their community, and offered on display. His passing was felt with some sadness by UG for whom Corders’ love and roadmap had become the ultimate “protocol”. It was imagined that even Gaia sighed – well maybe not.