For zandtao there is an excitement about Sheldrake’s enquiry that is far greater than his work. It is a celebration of legitimate scepticism.
In his scientific formalised way Sheldrake expounded that there were unwritten assumptions made in scientific process, and these are the above Sheldrake 10. When zandtao considered the restrictions of these assumptions he saw great limitation. He started a blog to consider wider genuine scientific enquiry, and he even thought this could lead to a Path of Scientific Enquiry. But it fizzled and stopped. What did not stop was zandtao’s own quest for the unknown, but this was not a path of scientific enquiry – at least not in the terms of established science. Perhaps there are mandtao blogposts that would interest the reader.
Zandtao could imagine taking each of the Sheldrake 10 and running with it but it didn’t happen. In the Kolok Saga there is much that considers Sheldrake 5, zandtao’s own quest for the unknown concerns conscious evolution as does his practice.
But there is a scientific assumption that deeply disturbs zandtao, it is fundamental to all science and yet is not one of Sheldrake’s 10. Science axiom - each human is a separate being. The Interbeing of Kolok and her Talaks is a fundamental theme of the Saga, and scientific investigation of the Unity of Earth as Gaia and Gaia’s beings might well lead to a greatly different font of knowledge than that which currently abides in academia. This brings excitement to zandtao, an excitement that is quickly quashed by patriarchal reality. In our world where scientific knowledge is so tied to funding and 1%-accumulation the excitement of genuine scientific enquiry is soon lost. As each generation of enquiry gets channelled into knowledge that ultimately provides profit we soon see that any possible hope that Sheldrake’s enquiry could bring gets lost as out of necessity new scientists compromise and research into what is fundable.
But zandtao has not lost the excitement of the quest into the unknown of which the Kolok Saga is a part. Wai’s scifi looks into areas of knowledge that might be, and in the end it is hard to discern what is the possible knowledge of his scifi and the knowledge gained in zandtao’s quest into the unknown – as described in the various books on the path. Especially so where his quest has taken him since crossing the threshold of autonomy on his Prajna portal.
Please don’t let your search for knowledge be limited and directed by patriarchy, open the doors of your own quest into the unknown.