Creative Commons License Public Domain Science Fiction Writer

contents Wai Z contents


“I am becoming irritated by these student freaks,” murmured Kocho puffing on his cigar. His demeanour appeared calm, and sitting quietly in the club he raised his glass slowly and took a sip. They always have the best here, he thought, but then they should with the membership fees.

Across the table sat Mapriso, the government minister, waiting – as he had to. He knew he was here under sufferance, after all his membership was an honorarium provided by the club, its members and committee - of which Kocho was an executive member. He too took a drink, trying to pretend he was enjoying this – and that he belonged. And waited.

“It seems to me that the punishments for these acts are far too light,” continued Kocho, and Mapriso nodded tentatively scared of what the demands might be. “I understand the government’s predicament, these attacks on the mines are attacks on private property. But without the mines and or industry Mubanrao society would fold,” Mapriso started to protest this, but Kocho prevented this with a pertinent glance. “An exaggeration,” laughed Kocho lightly “but without our support necessary sanctions would lead to some unrest.”

“I presume you have a suggestion,” asked Mapriso finding the distaste of extortion difficult. He knew the Beidendag club had met, and Kocho was just acting as a spokesperson. “At present these assaults on the mines are treated the same as petty burglary – and sometimes even ignored by the police,” Kocho continued nodding to the head of Kasko bank as he passed “it would seem to me that because the mines are more essential to society than someone’s private property more severe punishment could be meted out, and …” he paused ostensibly for a drink “greater police priority.”

Mapriso had answers to this, difficulties within the government, financing and mostly the resistance of the police who resented these companies who had their own security making demands on an overstretched service. It mattered not, the policy had already been decided – his role was that of implementation, he knew this.


Walro had finally finished his treatise “How the Resource companies had underdeveloped Mubanrao”. Managing to find somewhere that would print them cheaply his intention was to ask the organisation to reimburse him, and pay for wider distribution. He thought that was a vain hope, and others agreed saying that Mubans were not ready to read his analysis.

“In early history Mubanrao was a society based on Kajaa. For most people nowadays this Kajaa was mumbo jumbo but it had been maintained by a monastic system whose monks were respected by Mubans. Now these monks have almost died out with only a few monasteries tolerated by the government in distant lands …

“What our current establishment fail to see was that this Kajaa produced society that existed as a sustainable economy. … Because of monks’ approach and what was understood by the Mubans of Kajaa trade was kept small. Neighbour bartered with neighbour, and family tradition passed on the knowledge for growing their particular specialty …

“Once the planners became the elected representatives, they decided there was a need to change the amounts of the goods and develop wider distribution …

“These planners felt that barter was inappropriate for their economic plans, and had introduced a currency – Moobs. This was sold to the Mubans as a trade convenience, but it very quickly became a means of accumulation. Planners formed links with the resource companies, and very soon both became rich whilst the Mubans themselves continued a sustainable living. …

“Once the accumulation started those with wealth wanted more, and the stumbling block to increasing their wealth lay in the vestiges of Kajaa and the sustainable economy that many Mubans – and the Nagual – preferred to live off. To control this they introduced taxation, ostensibly so that they as government could help plan for the people but in reality it meant that Mubans needed money to pay their taxes. This forced the Mubans who were clinging to sustainability to earn money, and end their barter trading through currency. …

“The planners encouraged increasing size of trade and production, and working with the banks they enticed like-minded Mubans seeking wealth to take credit. Very soon companies sprouted, production increased and all Mubans were forced to work within the economy, some becoming wealthy and others earning just enough to support their families whilst all the time wanting the “more” the planners encouraged. …

“As usual with accumulation such stability never continued. The companies recognised that their finance and production was the centre of Muban life. Over time the power that had originally been with the state planners shifted to the executives of the companies. Gradually more and more state services were privatised to provide additional profits but also to ensure that the power did not lie with the planners or any elected official. …

“As the companies got bigger the people got poorer living off what little the companies were prepared to provide for them …

Walro’s 500 page tome was packed with detail that he had picked up at the state university, and if he was honest in places the read was tedious. But his intention was to provide as complete history as was available in Muban academia, especially drawing attention to the companies responsible. Whilst many had changed their names as is their wont, he was able to trace back the vast conglomerates that existed in modern-day Mubanrao to the smaller family businesses who had been at the forefront in changing Muban sustainability. The company players, the finance wizards, they all tended to come from the same families – a Muban family tradition, and this history clearly pointed to the sources of the wealth of these major families, the families who formed the backbone of the Beidendag Club.

When the organisation read the treatise there was no doubt that what Walro had provided was indeed a detailed academic description of how a sustainable economy had become a monopoly of exploitation by the few wealthy families.

It equally came as no surprise that Walro was soon found dead of a drug overdose, a drug that he never took. Of course Walro originally came from the ghetto, the mixed race of Muban and Nagual, many of whom took drugs. The whitewash was easy to maintain.

It was sad that Walro had never been introduced to the Doms. Why would he have sought a comrade amongst an outmoded religion, but there were parts of the Annals of Samsarapho that could have been transcribed verbatim.


The Walrons had developed a cell structure, it was essential for them to be unable to expose the strength in numbers of the Walron movement. The optimal number of a cell was considered to be 4 although such a detail was never ordained. By policy no cell was hierarchical although Muban nature dictated natural leadership. But it worked … mostly.

Of course their big concern was infiltration by Compsec, the security organisation of the companies. Because anonymity between cells was a lynchpin that anonymity was also its weak point. On the rare occasion where meetings were necessary masks were always worn. Whilst this prevented recognition it also enabled agents to infiltrate.

The four comrades of their cell were Karpo, Samdo, Greto and Fandro, none of those names were actual; strangely enough Samdo and Fandro were married and held respectable jobs within the welfare community. Karpo was a doctor whilst Greto worked in sales - her knowledge had often been invaluable. And her cover was clearly the most robust.

Fandro’s main responsibility was communication, in fact he had developed the encryption algorithm that theirs and many other cells were using. “There is going to be a visit,” he told Samdo and she facilitated the meeting – Fandro did not know how to contact Karpo and Greto; they liked it that way. Karpo had arranged for the venue so they had arrived early at her hospital where they put on uniforms and convened in a conference room. Once the room was secured, Karpo brought in Jaco, and the five sat in masks.

“It is Walron policy,” began Jaco “not to engage in activity in our own areas. Unfortunately your cell and ours both have plans to disrupt the mining operation at Gungdatron. That is why I am here.”

Samdo started the objections. “The bigger the operation the more vulnerable we become – slow but safe and sure is the Walron approach,” she warned clearly emphasising the caution she was renowned and respected for.

“But what progress are we making?” Jaco countered “we are having no serious impact”.

“We are not having the sort of immediate impact that the impatient would want,” Karpo agreed “but there is too much control and we are too few. Compsec agents litter our movement, and we cannot move forward with the sort of vengeance we would like. And then there are the reprisals. The more we hit them the greater the reprisals and the more Mubans resent us.”

“Are you arguing we do nothing?” Greto jumped in.

“Maybe I am,” Karpo muttered with resignation “it has to be meaningful. But then if it is meaningful there are the reprisals. We hurt the people we are fighting for.”

“But the greater the reprisals the more people fight back,” countered Jaco.

“Do they?” answered Samdo.

“If you are so negative, why are you even considering an attack on the Gungdatron mines?” asked Jaco impatiently.

“We are stockpiling,” answered Fandro “our tactics are long-term. We take what we can without causing reprisals, and hope that we can use what we have taken in the future.”

Later at Compsec the meeting was discussed.

The agent reported that there would be no serious action against the Gungdatron mines. “I told you to get them to increase the action so we could catch them or at least have justification for reprisals,” spoke the commander.

“I tried,” answered the agent “but they couldn’t be cajoled.”

“We need to expose that stockpile,” instructed the commander “we will then have our excuse.”

The agent nodded, and went home. How could he get Greto to reveal the stockpile?

*-*-* The commander began thinking. These Walrons were a nuisance mainly because they were beyond control. Threats of reprisal prevented them from doing real damage but they were always there. Stock missing here, machinery damaged there, never anything a huge problem but their actions ate into profits. Mineowners were also becoming a problem - with their perpetual nagging. Why haven’t we done this or that? We pay vast salaries for private security and we can’t stop student freaks. Well they weren’t student freaks no matter how often they were described as such. Their strategy was working, they were a problem. Neither reprisals, infiltration or provocation were working, there was a sophistication way beyond student years.

He recalled a recent conversation with his research department.

“There is no point in telling us the stock has to be bugged,” Oppen argued “it is bugged. But in the end if some bug is broadcasting, the signal can be tracked and the bug sourced. You want to stop theft, you must stop thieves. What makes them become thieves?”

“The problem is that these thieves are not “thieves”,” replied Chayne, Oppen looked at him quizzically. Chayne paused and smiled at the puzzled Oppen. “If they had the choice they would destroy the government, the mines, the stockpiles, infrastructure …. you name it.”

“If they are terrorists, why aren’t they arrested?” asked Oppen.

“Do you know who they are?” demanded Chayne pointedly.

“I could find out,” Oppen answered, Chayne perked up. “We can track the terrorists.”

Chayne deflated again “If we have suspicions we can track them. Those we suspect are soon caught, but these Walrons have learned caution …. sadly we have no idea who they are.”

“Then you need to track everyone,” answered Oppen hammering open the door. “Everyone has an identity comm they must carry. They carry comms with cards that can easily give location. Make it law for people to carry these comms, and Compsec checkpoints check whether they are being carried. Surely that is not too difficult to organise.”

“It would be resisted,” Chayne answered.

“Maybe so,” agreed Oppen “you didn’t ask me about popularity, you asked what could be done. It’s not my problem.”

“The technology is there?” Oppen’s nod was barely perceptible. It began to dawn on him what he had done. In his attempt to get Chayne off his back he had opened the door to global surveillance. He tried to play it down.

“It is there but it is expensive,” he answered cautiously. “We would need to manufacture these comms for everyone, and there would need to be huge investment in computing to ensure monitoring of all locations.”

“Perhaps not,” Chayne answered “we are only interested in those who are illegally near the mines. Surely that would not be too hard.” Again Oppen’s nod barely moved.


The Chayne comm was proposed all the way up the ladder to Beidendeg, and Kocho met Mapriso again. Kocho leant forward and quietly said “we require tracking”.

“There will not be agreement,” answered Mapriso.

“Funds will be provided to produce free comms for everyone,” smiled Kocho “We will ensure the cost of existing comms become so high Mubans will then gratefully accept the free government comms.”

Kocho paused “You only need wait for the right time …. until the anger at the price rises.” Kocho leant back in his chair and lit his cigar …. and waited for Mapriso to leave.


“We don’t need these comms,” Harbo gibed “If we want to talk we go and meet to talk, this is the way of the Na’Agu. We are people of the mountains of Mubanrao, we walk …. we are free.” He stamped on the comms “let’s stick it to these government toys,” and the others joined her in crushing these gadgets.

They sat around talking – the weather, the trees, the paths, occasionally their homes. It was Na’Agu talk, the talk of all time.

There had been a memo regarding the Nagual:-

“To all Compsec officers,

Re Comm speak

It is now government policy that all people carry comms, and Compsec monitor their locations. We are particularly concerned with the way the Nagual will receive our gifts. The Nagual will be given comms with a special tracking signal that denotes their origin. Be especially vigilant of any Nagual signal that stops transmitting.

Contact Compsec commpliance if signals do stop transmitting.

Yours Faithfully,

Commander Reid”

Commpliance were duly contacted, Harbo and the others were arrested and when they were released they had special comms the computer recognised as high priority. Their activity was monitored closely and reports made daily.


Chayne was due to meet with Oppen. Comms had given him greater control but he had a Nagual problem – they did not use or carry the comms. Of course they were imprisoned for not carrying comms but that did not deter them. But that did give a way out. With the introduction of the comms there had been a reduction of Walron incidents but they hadn’t been wiped out. Avoiding giving credibility to the Walrons was also high on his agenda, and the Nagual response gave him a way in.

“Your comms have proved beneficial,” started Chayne “thank you.”

Oppen nodded reticently, that science was not his proudest.

“But the comms need improvement,” continued Chayne “because people keep forgetting them.”

“Or intentionally don’t carry them,” noted Oppen pointedly.

“Whatever the reason, it is not good they don’t carry them,” enforced Chayne ignoring the limited jibe. “I did hear a rumour that the science exists whereby comms can be fitted subcutaneously.”

There was no answer. “Oppen, that was a question,” Chayne said turning to be in the face of Oppen.

“Yes the technology exists,” muttered Oppen.

“Would it be long before all Mubans could be fitted with such devices?” asked Chayne.

“No, but Mubans won’t like it,” Oppen continued with deep personal regret.

“Oppen, just look into the science, please,” Chayne finished, Oppen had been dismissed.


Marpiso had been summoned to the club. Kocho began “We would like all Mubans fitted with subcutaneous comms.”

“They will never accept that,” replied Marpiso angrily.

“It will be difficult,” continued Kocho “but it will be because of the Nagual.”

“I don’t understand,” answered Mapriso innocently fearing the worst.

“It is our understanding that the Nagual are increasing activity against the Mubans, and to curb these actions we are introducing subcomms,” Kocho spelt it out although he knew he didn’t have to. He paused, and then said “Mapriso, you know what to do.”

Mapriso had been dismissed. He didn’t exactly know how it would happen but he had a good idea. There would be an increase in reprisals and whether it was Walron or Nagual it would be blamed on the Nagual. Nagual action leading to reprisals on the Mubans. This would be the character of these events until eventually the Mubans would be prepared to wear subcomms to allow compsec to quell the Naguals. He could sell it of course. Tensions between Muban and Nagual were on the increase, Mugal ghettoes were becoming increasing hotbeds of crime, it would be all too easy to focus attention on the Naguals. Eventually the reprisals would create a climate of fear and frustration until Mubans would accept subcomms. Even he feared for Mubans when that happens.


It was the death knell of the Nagual. Many Nagual refused the subcomms but the drones soon tracked them down. They were imprisoned and the devices were forcibly fitted. They were removed but just as quickly as they had been removed the drones tracked them. Increasingly prisons were filled with Nagual as the terms for refusal were increased. And with the subcomms Walron activity was easily tracked and wiped out.

The final movement was the radical Nagual sect of the Blenbons. Citing the Annals of Samsarapho this sect moved higher and higher on Nagual land, all preparing for what Blenbons called the Exodus – the Leaving of Mubanrao. If Samsarapho, Blenbo and others came from outside, was it now time for them to leave Mubanrao?

There had been many attempts at Exodus, and Compsec had responded with the guards posted high up the mountains – the Colwil Guard. Compsec soldiers did not like this but it was well paid. There became a phrase “the Colwil death”. Blenbons leaving on Exodus would climb high into the Mubanrao mountains, remove their subcomms leaving them above the drone-sphere where the soldiers tracked them. Rather than return to face the prison that was now life on Mubanrao they would attack the soldiers and get gunned down.

Those Nagual who could face it soon became miners and were well rewarded for their hardiness. Subcomms soon became a fact of life and Mubans learnt to control themselves with their every action being monitored. There was then no need for control. There were the Mubanruai who lived the life they chose and Mubans whose servitude was just accepted. Maybe there was a little rebellion amongst teens before the subcomms were fitted, but even they learnt that was futile.

Kocho called Mapriso to him finally. He gave him a letter and sent him away.

“Your membership has been rescinded. Mubanrao will now not have elections, there is no need. You and your colleagues will be found positions in Compsec, perhaps they can join your project. We have a special position for you at the university, Chair of History. The myths of these people from outside are not healthy for Mubanrao society, you will seek out these Annals. Maybe you would call them the new version “The Annals of Compsec, maybe not. But these myths of outsiders, Kajaa, Exodus and so on are so pointless – non-productive.

Thank you for your services.

Everlasting Peace in Mubanrao.”

Eventually not even the Beidendag group met, what was there to manipulate?? It was all controlled - done and dusted.

Kajaa felt ill – imbalance; she immediately thought Mubans, what were they up to? Time to pull in the reigns, she focussed the mind – balance. Humility. She must have discipline – control. Calm mind, let all the ego drop away. Clear mind. And over time she relaxed into a state of humility. Clear.

But Kajaa days were not Muban days.

Introducing the comms was a drastic turning point in Muban history – as Kajaa pulled in the reigns. Once the ruai saw the control the comms gave them, it became all too easy for them. Soon 100% monitoring became a way of life, and with that monitoring freedom soon followed – under ruai control. Gradually the monitoring transformed. The military didn’t want Muban expression, the old NaAgu ways just got “in their way”. Slowly monitoring became “self-regulation” as programmed within the comms became borders - boundaries. Physical policing soon became unnecessary as the comms themselves prevented Mubans from crossing these prescribed boundaries. In the end Compsec military and police were only there to ensure the comms were not tampered with, but even that became outmoded as Muban life became secondary to the ruai-tech – the comms.

The Mubans became leaderless. This is the lunacy of the whole adherence to moots – to wealth, there is no leadership, just one direction increased exploitation by wealth for wealth’s sake. Instead of natural leadership, erstwhile known as Kajaa, Mubanrao direction was completely replaced by a desire for money – and desire is never a good leadership quality. All the compassion that had been hidden within the practices of the Doms in adherence to Kajaa just dropped away as ego upon ego strived to get greater wealth – and the directionless power that was associated with it. Very soon total fascism naturally developed from this exploitation, it was so much easier to force Mubans to create profits. It was not that any Muban wanted to compel their fellows to be slaves, except of course the NaAgu, but it followed from the priority they gave to wealth. Once wealth became more than compassion Mubanrao was doomed to this military fascism. How can wealth ever care? For a while as Muban compassion dwindled, Mubans spoke about a balance between people and profit but there could never be any such balance in the long term. People argued there were more profits if Mubans could be vested in the wealth-creation – even if only through increased wages, but ruai ego meant that they just saw profits slipping away – even if the actual profits were increasing. In the end Ruais dismissed all these delusions about vested interest and decided they had to have it all, and that meant other Mubans could have none. So compassion for these other Mubans had to go, and in Mubanrao the tool for eroding that compassion was the comms.

Without freedom of expression Mubans became less spirited, and as that spirit waned so they drifted into lifelessness. And so whatever respect they might have had was lost as the ruai were so clearly far superior to these lifeless Moobs. Being better than the Moobs, ruai could dismiss these others as unimportant – expendable.

And once there were not the dynamic restrictions of ruai and other Mubans fighting for the profits – needing their labour, once the ruai could demand compliance through the comms, a compliant lifestyle of working unquestioningly for the ruai – through comm-control Moobs did not make demands accepting what they were given as the ruais used them as little more than robots, Mubans as a whole (ruai and Moob) had no dynamic for development. For the ruais this lack of dynamic was a means of increasing their profits – increasing their wealth, and the last vestiges of compassion – Kajaa – just disappeared from within.

For a while ruai fought ruai and many Moobs died; it seemed almost endless as Mubanrao descended into conflict for wealth appropriation, wealthy fighting wealthy whilst Moobs were just misused and Mubanrao herself began to suffer. Gradually one family started to gain control, and the rest of the ruai turned to science. More and more powerful weapons were developed, and the destruction of Mubanrao was threatened. How these things work we just don’t know – call it brinkmanship whatever - but the ruai drew back, an accommodation between the dominant family and the remaining ruai was reached, and stability grew out of this. Was it brinkmanship or a greater force? Even with their short-sighted greed was there some kind of safety mechanism. Some even said it was Kajaa.

It was agreed, science was squashed. Enquiry was squashed. The majority of Mubans were already lifeless Moobs, and now the ruai within their own ranks just sat on any form of enquiry out of fear as the family integrated with the few remaining other ruai. From then on none of the ruai ever questioned. Moobs catered for all their needs, slowly fear drew in the wealth-driven egos and without enquiry the ruai also lost much that was Muban. And when it did appear there was always the comms; any ruai who did not accept their privilege and life-style became candidates for the latest aCOMModation. Soon the need for aCOMModation also became a thing of the past as fear controlled the egos – the drive for wealth disappeared. Stability grew into stagnation as all that was compassionate Muban disappeared – was reigned in. Very soon even the need for the comms became lost in time as Moob beget Moob, accepted that their role was to serve ruai. And ruai beget ruai, and their life that fear long ago had fashioned was merely there to continue a sort of stability.

Now it was humble, no egos were driving their own expansion at whatever cost, the imbalance was reigned in. There was calm. But now there was a need for rebalancing as the repressive control although producing calm had gone too far; it was not natural; Kajaa’s mind was not clear. Kajaa days were longer than Muban days but eventually they do come to an end.