Science - Establishment or Proof?
What I liked so much about the Mercola clip was that it demonstrated that genes controlling man was dogma, and that dogma was a religious principle. Typical of science is that what has become an accepted scientific approach is not based on a scientific proof. The atomic theory I learned at school has been discredited as a means of proper description yet I was taught it as facts. I never got into biology so the issue of genes never came up, but it has always been a typically scientific causal principle that never gave a good picture for me. Genes as building blocks for man seems ludicrous to me yet genetics appears to work from that basis. This appears to be a significant part of science's answers as to how man works - by the direction of genes. Even if science is ludicrous, that has never stopped this establishment steamroller. What about my favourite? There is no chi. No-one can tell me that, because I have felt it. But I have a scientific friend who tells me that the chi exercises people do create the physical strength, so the "swatting flies of Tai Chi, causes muscular development". Interesting hypothesis with no experimental proof, simply a theory that fits in with established science and established science needs no questioning.
What is required is insight and the basis of Bruce's work on this view of biology came from insight. Excellent.