Zanshadtao began two years ago as a z-quest into shadow with Connie Zweig LINK. At the moment the timeline is not clear but it was fundamentally derailed by crossing the threshold of autonomy. The confusion is that prior to autonomy zandtao was studying Thay’s “Awakening the Heart”, and he cannot recall that being connected to zanshadtao.
What has developed as significant for zandtao’s autonomy is essentially a critique of the way the path is followed. The first book that arose from autonomy was Real Love which concerned the importance of the cultivation, development and embodiment of love on the path. Following Real Love was Secular Path? This began as a z-quest on Stephen Bachelor’s “Secular Path” but broadened out as autonomy looked for love-wisdom balance.
And that brings us here at the intro.
At the time of starting Zanshadtao zandtao saw bypassing within the shadow umbrella. During autonomy bypassing has taken on a far more central role in the following of the path so essentially Zanshadtao has been turned upside down as the relationship between path bypassing and shadow has evolved. As yet there is no clarity in this relationship, to develop that clarity Zanshadtao must be clearer about bypassing.
That brings us to the intro.
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