Warning!! Remember the Diamond sutra Warning!!.

Zeer Insights

Ego warnings - sabotage

Zandtao’s latest journey into discovery is what he calls “Teal Unleashed Journal”, and it began in the middle of his z-quest on Nicola’s “Love Unleashed” - not finished but will be available here. In the journal he has reached a section on self sabotage in which Teal said there was no such thing.

This led zandtao to describing his path as:-

Zandtao - path that leads to consciously-evolving-consciousness hidden in rural Thailand

Hidden is a recent understanding based on his lack of social status. He gives back through the website but he gives back very little. Constantly he has asked himself, why not give back more? And was then forced to answer old age and limited health. But if Trump can screw the world at his age, why can’t a younger zandtao have the physical strength to be a spiritual adviser? Because he was never meant to. Hidden.

What was his response to the Sacred Wound during upbringing? Numbness. He did not fight back - whether he could have is a different matter. But he didn’t try to fight back. And the Holy Khandha that was important in his upbringing was really not that strong as his father was weak. His mother hid her spirituality - only coming out late in life, for zandtao it is the same.

Now he is hidden in rural Thailand, he can spend his time consciously-evolving-consciousness. In his formative time of 2nd childhood he was a teacher, when he retired early before he dedicated himself more to the path he was a volunteer teacher; in his life his compassion was always giving but it was never really spiritual. Nowadays the adviser needs to be a href = "http://zandtao.com/Prajna/Reflections/prajnarefnwhatifPhD.htm" target = "blank">spiritual PhD, a spiritual adviser nowadays needs understanding that comes from trauma practice as Nicola points out; there is no time for zandtao to gain such experience as an adviser.

So zandtao is focussing on consciously-evolving-consciousness. Recognising the “hidden” characteristic removed inner crits (self sabotage), because it means dedication to consciously-evolving-consciousness. Ultimately when we are fully dedicated to the path there are no restricting egos such as inner crits, the path has become integrated - all aspects of consciousness working together. At present zandtao is working towards understanding love and evolving consciousness accordingly. This is integrated with nonags.

And when he is tired there is boring TV to pastime - warts’n’all - without guilt.

When we are not following our paths - we have fragments or one of Teal's 8 factors of self-sabotage - self-criticism, self-doubt, self-blame, self-destruction, self-pity, self-deprivation, self-deprecation, and self-pride, there is no integration - no abidance. Importantly there is the converse, when we have fragmentation or self-sabotage we have a closeness to path issue - there is not integration.

If we are not completely working on our paths it is best not to blame the factors that are being raised, we ask of them “why is this arising when I thought I was on the path?” “What is this ego and why?”

Don’t see egos arising simply as an enemy, they are warnings. Hi, this is ego, I am a problem to you because I am raising an issue you have ignored. Maybe I am a fragment from your upbringing that needs integrating. Or maybe I am an ego that has arisen because what I am has not been integrated into your life - your path. Instead of blaming me as an ego and just trying to let me go, ask yourself why has this ego arisen?

Egos restrict consciousness from evolving because the reason for their arising has not been integrated into the spiritual path. Work out why there is such an ego, integrate the reason, and then release the ego - letting go. See the ego as having two edges - the restriction and the warning.

zandtaomed:-Viveka-Zandtao/Treatise, Pathtivism Manual, Pathtivism Companion
zandtao:- Real Love/ Secular Path?/Zanshadtao
Prajna:- Prajna, Reflections
Wai Zandtao:- Wai Zandtao Scifi
Matriellez:-Matriellez Education.
Blogs:- Zandtao, Matriellez, Mandtao.