Warning!! Remember the Diamond sutra Warning!!.


Zandtao writes, and in the reading the seeker is closer to what is written. Whilst youtube clips are quicker and accessible sometimes the content is glossed over. Zandtao has begun transcribing some of the interviews he refers to, and this is a list for access.

List of Transcriptions

31/3/24 Dr Anita Phillips talk - Heart over Mind
used in Reflection Agape - What is Anita trying to do?

31/3/24 Interview between Dr Anita Phillips and Oprah
used in Reflection Agape - Trauma, Anita Phillips and balance

29/12/23 Nicola Amadora on Trauma and Awakening
used in Reflection Mind and What we do with it

Interview between Teal Swan and Kristina Mand Lakhiani
used in Book To be Completed

Interview between Nicola Amadora and Charlie Giles
used in Book To be completed

Date Interview between used in Reflection Reflection title

zandtaomed:-Viveka-Zandtao/Treatise, Pathtivism Manual, Pathtivism Companion
zandtao:- Real Love/ Secular Path?/Zanshadtao
Prajna:- Prajna, Reflections
Wai Zandtao:- Wai Zandtao Scifi
Matriellez:-Matriellez Education.
Blogs:- Zandtao, Matriellez, Mandtao.