Warning!! Remember the Diamond sutra Warning!!.

Prajna Threshold of Autonomy


Have you read the Diamond sutra warning?

If you have come here by accident, perhaps step back to zandtaomed on his main page, on that page you will find what zandtaomed advises as dhamma practice. That is MwB, atammayata, complete disenchantment with daily life yet complete engagement with daily life. This can be found in the Pathtivist Trilogy, and the investigation into solitude of Viveka-Zandtao that led to this quest into the unknown. At the same time zandtaomed advises the release of conditioned egos through the Seeker Story. This is the path and zandtaomed.

There has been an experiential demarcation – from the end of Viveka-Zandtao and the beginning of Prajna-Zandtao, this experience zandtao describes as crossing the threshold of autonomy; there are dangers in crossing this threshold - hence the warning above to go back to zandtaomed.

So how did this experiential clarification arise? As seeker zandtao began working on Thich Nhat Hanh’s “Awakening the Heart”, and in the study felt there would arise in Viveka-Zandtao another section on Heart. Thay's book is long, and with the early stuff on 4 foundations of mindfulness zandtaomed was able to add to his work on Buddhadasa's MwB and his Companion – reflected in changes in his meditation practice as described here in Appendix C.

But it was the autonomy that was leading zandtao in his quest. The autonomy moved zandtao away from a new section in Viveka-Zandtao, and began his focus on independent autonomous seeking. In Prajna-Zandtao he will be looking at what happened as he crossed the threshold of autonomy, and will be investigating what his quest will bring.



zandtao:- Real Love, Secular Path?
Zanshadtao Will this happen?
zandtaomed:- Viveka-Zandtao/Treatise, Pathtivism Manual, Pathtivism Companion
Wai Zandtao Scifi/ Matriellez Education.
Blogs:- Zandtao, Matriellez, Mandtao.